Reflection: Connecting and Combining

The Idea of Creativity


This video was by far my most favorite as it encompassed almost everything we have taken in class so far which is why it reminded me of this quote by Aristotle. The speaker was so insightful and managed to incorporate al our learnings into one simple model she calls “The innovation Engine”. The innovation engine is broken down into two main parts, the internal and external environment. Right from the very start we can see that her model looks upon creativity from more than one perspective which is in itself one of the most important aspects of creativity. Her engine consists of 6 main factors, imagination, Knowledge, and attitude (internal),Habitat, Resources and Culture (External). The internal aspects mainly look up on how we ourselves see the world around us and how we can initiate creativity from within. These concepts connect with a lot of our in class discussions. First of…

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1 thought on “Reflection: Connecting and Combining

  1. What Dahawy wrote is really interesting. The idea of connecting what Tina Seelig said in the video and what we take in class showed us how we are actually reflecting the differwnt learnings in creativity in our class and in our minds. Thank you Dahawy for this clarification.

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